
3.0 德黑兰幸福的花椒 2023-12-12 19 4 377.23KB 8 页 100光币
开 题 报 告
The Research on the Cultivation of Primary
School English Learning Interest
——A Case Study of Yushu No.1 National
Primary School
学 号
学 院 外国语学院
专 业 英语(师范)
1.Research Background
Social informatization and economic globalization give China more opportunities to
participate in international exchanges. English has become an essential language for
Chinese people to participate in international exchanges, learn western cultural and
scientific knowledge, and obtain information in all aspects. The Ministry of Education of
the People's Republic of China has decided to open primary school English courses from
the third grade of primary school to gradually expand from urban primary schools to
township primary schools, which is a great leap forward for English education to become
citizen quality education. The interest in learning English in primary school is directly
related to the learning in secondary school, which is of great significance for future
learning. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the current situation of
students' interest in English learning in Yushu, understand the main reasons for students'
lack of interest in English learning, and on this basis, explore strategies to stimulate and
cultivate students' interest in English learning in Yushu, such as exploring students'
learning needs and motivation, exploring English classroom teaching and teacher-student
feelings, etc., so as to provide theoretical guidance for students' English learning and
teachers' teaching in Yushu, It provides basic materials for the relevant research on Yushu
pupils' interest in English learning, and enriches the domestic research on English learning
2.Research Significance
Theoretically enrich the theoretical research on second language learning interest in
China. At present, domestic research on children's interest in second language learning
mainly focuses on the study of English learning interest with students and colleges as the
main objects, and few of them focus on pupils. The level of students' language ability has a
lot to do with their interest in English learning. If students lose interest in English learning
from primary school, it will have a great impact on future English learning. Therefore, the
research on the cultivation of pupils' interest in English learning is of great significance for
enriching the research on second language learning interest.


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作者:德黑兰幸福的花椒 分类:社科文学类资料 价格:100光币 属性:8 页 大小:377.23KB 格式:DOCX 时间:2023-12-12


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