
3.0 585056 2022-11-21 68 4 1.14MB 38 页 30光币
摘 要
A c c o r d i n g t o t h e r e q u i r e m e n t s o f p l a s t i c m o t o r c ycle t ail
lampshade products, understand the use of plastic parts, analyze the
technica l requirements of plastic p a rts, such as wo r kmanship ,
dimensiona l accuracy , select the size of plastic p a rts. This mold
ad o pts one mold and two pieces, the side gate feed, the injection
machine adopts Haitian 110XB model, sets the cooling system, CAD and
UG dra w t wo-dimensiona l assembly dra w ings and p a rts dra w ing, an d
selects the reasonable processing method of the mould. Attached are
instructions for the systematic use of brief text, concise sketches
an d c a l c u l a t i o n s t o ana l y z e t h e p l a s t i c p a r t s , s o as t o m a k e a
reasonable injection mold design.
According to the national professional definition, die design is:
engaged in enterprise die digita l design, including cavi ty die and
cold stamping die, on the basis of traditional die design, the full
appli c ation of digita l design tools, impr o ve the qua l i t y o f die
design, shorten the die design cycle.
Mould is a kind of industrial product which makes the material
shape by a certain way in a specific structural form. It is also a
ki n d o f pr o d u c t i o n t o o l wh i c h c an pr o d u c e t h e i n d u s t r i a l pr o d u c t
p a rts with certain sha p e and size requirements in b a tches. From
ai r planes and cars to teac u ps and nails, a l most all industria l
products must be molded. The high precision, high consistency an d
high productivity of the parts manufactured by mould are incomparable
with any other processing method. To a large extent, mold determines
product quality, efficiency and new product development capability.
Therefore, the mold has the honor of "the mother of industry".
The training goal of mold design and manufacturing specialty is
to cult i v a te all-round development of mora l i t y , intel l igence,
physique and beau t y , with good pr o fessiona l qua l i t y , and to apply
adv a n c e d t e c h n o lo g y i n m o ld d e s i g n , m o ld pr o c e s s i n g t e c h n o lo g y
pr e p a rat i o n , s t ampi n g an d p l a s t i c fo r m i n g pr o c e s s i n g , C NC m ac h i n e
tool o pe r ation and production management, etc. for man u f a cturing
industry . Pr o fessiona l t a l ents. It ref l ects that the man u f a cturing
level reaches the tutor level of mold manufacturing and the design
level reaches the assistant designer level.
Key words: motorcycle tail lamp cover; side gate feed; injection
machine; cooling system; injection mold


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作者:585056 分类:夹具模具刀具量具 价格:30光币 属性:38 页 大小:1.14MB 格式:DOC 时间:2022-11-21


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